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                                    _The most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart_                    On the contrary today life has become something that happens to you while you are looking at your smart phone. I consider myself to be the most fortunate of all as I'm a 90’s kid and that simply means I had an awesome childhood. Moral values got inculcated in me not through gadgets and Google but through My Grandparents and my teachers. There is one such valuable message I learnt while I was in my Upper Kindergarten that I wish to share with everyone.                              It was a Friday; Children of Upper Kindergarten usually do reading activities on all Fridays. My class teacher Mrs.Rosy bro...

The Verb is greater than the Noun

            There is one question we all encounter from our childhood till now, 'who are you?'.   Of all I regard this question to be unique because of its answer. An answer that undergoes transformation with the pace of time. For better understanding let me elucidate the above statement with a precise example.                     When a caterpillar is confronted with the question, 'who are you?' , the answer would be, ' I'm a caterpillar '. When the caterpillar transforms into an beguiling butterfly with the pace of time, the answer for the same question changes to, ' I'm a butterfly '. Here it's not about the butterfly to be admired or the caterpillar to be looked down upon, It's all about the metamorphosis. The determination of a caterpillar to get out of its comfort zone and stay  wrapped inside a cocoon and the decision of the newly formed butterfly toget it's wings crushed t...